Xerosis in patient with vitamin a deficiency
Journal > /en/journal/2017/5%2B6/9
Xerosis is a corneal and ocular surface disease caused by vitamin A deficiency. It is a rare disease in developed countries, but in third world countries it is a common cause of blindness. We describe a typical xerosis in patient with vitamin A deficiency and long-term malnutrition and alcoholism in our case. In spite of initially serious presentation of the disease, the patient’s response to trea...
One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery
Journal > /en/journal/2015/1/1
Introduction: Effectiveness Evaluation of One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS) Comparing to the Cataract Surgery Performed on Each Eye Separately After a Lapse of Time
Material and Methods: The cohort of 100 patients (200 eyes) consisted of two groups: In the Group1, there were 50 patients (100 eyes) who underwent One-day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS). The Group ...
Ophthalmic Manifestations of Acute Leukaemias
Journal > /en/journal/2018/3/3
Background and aims: To determine the incidence of ocular pathological findings in a group of patients with acute leukemia. To define the predictive value of the presence of the ocular pathological findings.
Materials and methods: Retrospective evaluation of a group of 67 patients with acute leukemia (age 1–75 years) examined at the Ophthalmology Clinic, Faculty Hospital Ostrava, from 2005 to 2014...
Congentinal Central Toxoplasma Chorioretinitis - Case Study
Journal > /en/journal/2018/3/6
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a globally spread infectious disease caused by transplacental transmission of an intracellular parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The infection can cause serious multi-organ complications, and in the case of vertical transmission, can lead up to fetal death – depending on the stage of pregnancy at the time of infection and the overall condition of the mother’s immun...
Ocular Manifestations in Patients with HIV infection
Journal > /en/journal/2018/6/3
Background and aims: To evaluate the characteristics and incidence of ophthalmic manifestations in patients with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection.
Materials and methods: A retrospective evaluation of medical records of 147 patients with HIV infection (22 female, 125 male), the average age of 41 (range 22–79 years) examined by an ophthalmologist at the Clinic of Ophthalmology at the Uni...
Trauma in Oculoplastic Surgery A Review
Journal > /en/journal/2020/3/1
The aim of this article is to present the basics of traumatology in oculoplastic surgery and to review the literature about this topic. This review sums up the problematic of injuries of the eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit. The most important types of trauma, their treatment options, and the most common complications are described. In majority of oculoplastic traumas, surgical reconstruction is ...
One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery
Journal > /en/journal/2015/2/1
Introduction: Effectiveness Evaluation of One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS) Comparing to the Cataract Surgery Performed on Each Eye Separately After a Lapse of Time
Material and Methods: The cohort of 100 patients (200 eyes) consisted of two groups: In the Group1, there were 50 patients (100 eyes) who underwent One-day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS). The Group ...
Diabetic Macular Edema – Diagnostics and Treatment Guidelines
Journal > /en/journal/2023/5/2
Together with diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema (DME) ranks among the most common causes of severe loss of vision in working adults. Due to recent developments in imaging methods, new classification schemes of DME have been created. In addition to this, new treatment options have been introduced (new intravitreal drugs as well as treatment protocols). At the same time laser, surgical as...
Diabetic Retinopathy – Diagnostics and Treatment Guidelines
Journal > /en/journal/2023/5/3
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus and represents a serious health, social and economic problem. With the expected increase in the number of patients with diabetes, it is becoming the leading cause of severe vision loss in the working-age population. The presented guidelines summarize the current knowledge about this disease in order to standardize an...
Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema – Screening
Journal > /en/journal/2023/5/4
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) are leading causes of severe visual loss in the working population. Therefore, both DR and DME have a significant socioeconomic and health impact, which taking into account the epidemiologic predictions is expected to increase. A crucial role in the management of DR and DME (not only for individuals, but also for the population) is played ...
Kaposi’s Sarcoma. A Case Report
Journal > /en/journal/2024/2/6
Aim: The aim of this case report is to present the case of a patient with iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma afflicting several organs, ocular manifestation.
Case report: In a 74-year-old kidney transplant patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy, iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) developed in both lower eyelids. Subsequently, KS was confirmed in the region of the left forearm, with suspicion of lesion...
Retinal Vein Occlusion Guidelines
Journal > /en/journal/2024/6/2
Retinal vein occlusion and its complications are among the most common causes of severe loss of sight in developed countries. In recent years, developments in imaging methods have been introduced, leading to an improvement in diagnostic possibilities. At the same time new treatment options have become available (new intravitreal drugs and treatment protocols, laser and surgical methods). The prese...