Archiv článků

Scleral Grafts in Ophthalmic Surgery. A Review Journal > /cs/journal/2024/5/1
Aim: To summarize the history and current trends in the use of scleral grafts in ophthalmology. Materials and methods: We conducted a review of the literature through the MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The search terms were "sclera", "graft", and "surgery". The search resulted in 1596 articles, of which we evaluated 192 as relevant. The relevant articles were sorted chronologically and ac...
Kaposi’s Sarcoma. A Case Report Journal > /cs/journal/2024/2/6
Aim: The aim of this case report is to present the case of a patient with iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma afflicting several organs, ocular manifestation. Case report: In a 74-year-old kidney transplant patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy, iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) developed in both lower eyelids. Subsequently, KS was confirmed in the region of the left forearm, with suspicion of lesion...
Possibilities of Using Corneal Stromal Lenticules Obtained During ReLEx SMILE Refractive Surgery for Transplantation Purposes. A Review Journal > /cs/journal/2025/1/1
A corneal stromal lenticule (CSL) is a part of the corneal stroma that forms as a waste product during the refractive surgery ReLEx SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) and is no longer used. With the increasing number of ReLEx SMILE procedures and the number of potentially available CSLs, two main aspects of their usage are currently being investigated. The first aspect includes the biolog...